Sunday, December 2, 2007

Last Week's Show at Mad Max

So, as most people who were there know, we had a show last week, November 24th, for the band I manage, Musical Terrorists' demo CD launch.... The show started at around 10 o'clock, with our friends from Chards to Mirror taking the stage.... We'd most gratefully, all of us from the band, like to thank everybody that came to see us... We had a lot of fun, and we'll do it soon enough again... I'd personally like to thank my friend Penny for helping out for the coat check, and JC for filming the shit...

The guys, Nick, Dom, Pat and JR told me it was one of their best shows yet, not because of the number of people that were there, (cause frankly, we were expecting a lot more, a lot of people that said were gonna be there, weren't, which was disappointing) but because it was one of their thightest live performances to date.....

So, everything went down ok, and we didn't lose any money, so I guess it was a success......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Malade ce blog a gradis rapidement! déjà je le trouve complet... Hé oui ! j'ai vraiment adoré filmer Musical Terrorists et bientôt je l'espère les vidéo viendrons sur internet et en dvd. Avec la sueur de notre front !